What the aperature setting is for in your camera.

Understanding Aperture I Photo Guide

If you’re into doll photography – or photography in general – you’ve probably heard the term “aperture” thrown around. It’s one of the most important settings on your camera, but it can also be a bit confusing at first. Don’t worry – in this guide, we’ll break it down for you in simple terms, using doll photography examples to make it easier to understand. By the end, you’ll have a …

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This is an easy way on how to remove unwanted items from a picture.

How to remove a doll stand in pictures

Today, I’ll show you how to remove doll stand or other unwanted elements from a captured image. A quick reminder: I’ll be using Photoshop for this tutorial. This is not a promotional post; other software might have similar tools to achieve the same results. Additionally, it’s essential to know that there are always multiple ways (more or less optimized) to reach your goal in image editing. This is just a …

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What is an artblock and what you can do against it.

Overcoming Art block

Today we want to talk about this topic and I want to give you some tips for overcoming art block. No matter if you are a photographer, Artist, author or any other creative maker, you might have already heard about the infamous “Art block”. If not already experienced yourself. An empty head – no ideas and nothing seems to work out.

Get some inspiration or new ideas on how to take some pictures of your doll!

Storytelling & character – photography

Pictures can tell stories, well at least the most. There are for sure some exceptions like documentations and so on. But today I want to refer to more creative or artistic pictures. Photographs show a motive, which was captured at a specific time. It is a current state of the moment and motive. You can change the appearance and this as-is state with several stylistic elements while a photo session …

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5 beginner tipps – doll photography

Hello everyone! Today I have 5 simple doll photography tipps! To all who don’t know this blog: it is about Dollfie Dream and so I want to concentrate on doll photography in particular. Of course you can use these advices also in the general photography. Or with other dolls besides Dollfie Dream, like BJD Smartdoll, Azones and more!