Vinyl Doll Basics
Topic overview and help
Vinyl dolls of course share some similarities. In my guides and tutorials I however want to talk about the differences aswell. So I try to seperate the themes and information if needed. You will find these on the side below. I am focusing on Dollfie Dream and Smart Doll. Get ready for many helpful tipps and Vinyl doll basics.
You are new in the Vinyl Doll hobby? Well these little guides and information sites will help you to enjoy it in the long run! There are some things you should know about your doll and how you should treat it! Please take your time and look around. You want some first information about what Dollfie Dream and Smart Doll exactly are?
Care & Usage
How to handle your doll
The material of vinyl dolls need special care and there are some things to keep in mind! I gathered some information for you to take care! Find out more details about this topic in the link.
Light & UV-Light
More about care
Size & Styles
For me eyes are an important part of the doll. They are the mirror to their soul, so I think. They can have much expression and can definetly be a highlight in your pictures. Let’s talk about the different types and sizes and more!
The rigth size
How to change
Animatic eyes
Acrylic eyes
More about the hair
All about the hair of your vinyl doll. Where to look for wigs, what size you need and what you should keep in mind when putting a wig on your dolls head. Explore the colorful and exciting world of doll wigs!
Buying online
Wig types
Wig caps
Helpful information about stains
Vinyl dolls can tend to get stains. The material might soak in some unwanted colors of clothing, wigs and more. I want to give you some information where your doll might get them, prevention and how you might get rid of them.
What to look after
Spare parts
Stain prevention