[DIY] Selfmade cat tail & ears
Create your own!
Todays tutorial is about making your own cute cat ears and tail! I worked on some Accessories for Seiko the last days, so I want to share you some Inspiration and help. It is super easy and fun – the best? You don’t need any expensive equipment or sewing machine. In fact I sewn everything by hand for this tutorial.
But you can also work without any pattern (or create some yourself). As they are very simple shapes.
If you like you can use my pattern
Cat ears & Tail 40 ~ 60 cm dolls
What you need
- Fabric
- Wire
- Ruler
- Scissor
- Filler medium
- Needle & thread
- Decoration if you like ( bells, ribbons..)
- Hot-glue gun
- Paper for pattern
- Sewing maschine
- Nylon thread

The right fabric
There is no right or wrong fabric. I would recommend you to look on the lenght of the hair” however and if it will suit to your desired look. Choose the right color and let’s get started! Remember: If you are working with a sewing machine it is best to use a thread which had a similar color to your fabric.
Cut your pieces
You can use my pattern if you want to, but as said already the forms are so simple you don’t need one. However, you can use a ruler to measure and to decide what dimensions you want to use for your tail and ears. Please keep the direction of the hair of your fabric in mind. It can happen fast that you cut or even sew them together with the wrong direction.
Turn the fabric on the left side and sew the ends together.You can use your sewing machine if you want to or sew it with your hands. If you are finished you can turn the tail / ears you can evert the piece and fill it with your filler medium. Leave a little space hower so that you won’t damage the thread and that the wire will fit in it later.
Here is a very nice technique you can use when sewing with your hand: The “invisible thread” which works perfect. You don’t even need a matching thread.
Adding the wire (tail)
So the wire needs at least the leght of your tail. Depending on how you want to attach it to your doll even more. I used my hot glue gun on both ends of the wire. I don’t want to hurt anyone with the edges of the wire.
In this example I will wrap the wire around my dolls hip, thats why I used some more wire than needed for the tail. But if you prefer you can also stich up the other end of the tail and attach it with a safetly pin on your dolls clothing.
The tail is now finished!
Cat ears
There are actually so many different ways to create your cat ears. So you can decide which you like the most for yourself.
You can use a hair band on which you will attach the ears (you can sew them on or even glue). Or you can create a hair band yourself out from your left fabric. In this case I used some simple hair clips and attached the ears gently on the wig of my doll. You can even use a nylon thread and attach the ears there befor wrapping it around the head of your doll.
Please understand that I am no way a l professional seamstress. And this is for sure only one way to create your own accessory. But non the less I think the results turned out very cute, thats why I wanted to share them.