DDH09 custom
Introducing my DDH09 custom doll! Hello Everyone, today I have some news about my doll crew for you! Like I said in one of my former postings, Kaori was kind of finished. Well at least I got a head and idea.
My Dollfie Dream Sister Akira however had to wait a bit more. You know at least I had this rough concept of her as a sexy demon. After some while and thinking, the result was clear: The Akira head just did not suit this character at all. At least not with it’s current Face-up.
About the character
So my DDS Akira “transformed” into a DDH09. I may introduce you – Despina! :) So if you don’t see it first, it is my first “semi-white Skin” Dollfie Dream (also had the chance to win her second-hand – yay!). Despina is actually a Greek name and means “Mistress” or “ruler”. This was just perfect for her. Why Greek? – Because after researching (many thanks to my boyfriend for your work and support :)) we found so called “Lamia”. Those are Vampire-like creatures or demons from the Greek Mythology. She is very charming and LOVES attention and knows how to get it and being in the centre. She has a “close” and more like a sexual relationship to Kaori.
I found a suiting Outfit very quickly – and It has been with me for a while now. Even though it has more of an asian vibe to it – it is incredibly beautiful and cute. You know I am very happy to see her in her full glory! Currently waiting for her whip :)