Overcoming Art block
Some ideas & help
Today we want to talk about this topic and I want to give you some tips for overcoming art block.
No matter if you are a photographer, Artist, author or any other creative maker, you might have already heard about the infamous “Art block”. If not already experienced yourself. An empty head – no ideas and nothing seems to work out.
The cause can differ from one person to another. But it often coheres with your own well-being. Usually negative factors like stress or exhaust can be a cause of this issue. Stress and pressure have a negative effect on your body and creativity in the long run – and so your creativity may suffer as well.
That is why it is so important to take your time and reflect on the last days or weeks. What might have triggered the stress and how can you counteract it?
Ambition is great, of course, especially if you want to improve. Still, taking breaks is just as important for your body. During these breaks you can relax and start with a fresh mind set.
What helps?
Well, once you have found your cause, you are not far from the solution yourself and work on changing these issues.
Nevertheless, I would like to give you a few general ideas and tips:

Take care of yourself
- Do something good for yourself and your body: fresh air or a walk outside to let your thoughts run free. Get enough sleep and relax. It can be as simple as that.
- Take a “social media” break. Of course it is nice to be up to date. But the whole flood of images and information can often be overwhelming. A positive side effect is that you don’t compare yourself to others. According to the motto: “XY has already posted such a great picture and I’m sitting around here and can’t get anything done.” Everyone has a bad day or doesn’t feel creative, often you might not even notice it from the others. So no reason to talk yourself into a guilty conscience!
- Be kind to yourself. There could not be a worst time to stress yourself or to surround yourself with even more negativity. You are a human being like everyone else and a creative block is not uncommon. You will also overcome this obstacle.
- Think positive! Simple but effective. Trust yourself, you can do it! :)
- Start small – you don’t have to get a masterpiece back on its feet to fight the blockade. “Insignificant” scribbling for new inspiration and above all fun can help!
Be positive
- Try something new. Have you seen a cool tutorial recently? Or haven’t tried the new marker yet, the new brush tip in your drawing program is already “dusty”? Well, now is the right time to experiment. Just have fun.
- Get inspiration from your favourite artists. Take up a topic and create something completely new. This is only about ideas / finding inspiration! Of course, you shouldn’t just copy anything! When you post your work, just link your source of inspiration. That will also put a smile on this person’s face!
- Surround yourself with positive things and thoughts you like! This is actually a big part to help you out with your well-being.
- Take part in art challenges – it can be super refreshing to try something new out. Get out of your comfort zone and maybe you will discover a new medium, style or passion. I have prepared a challenges you can try right here!
- Spend time with your friends or talk o them (on- and offline). This helps to get your mind free and maybe they do have some additional tips for your problems.
These are of course just a few ideas – and I have done them all myself once in a while. Sadly, I cannot give you a guarantee. I can’t even say how much time it will need. As everyone is so unique in their own ways. Important is that you find the negativity in your life and try to change things up to make them work for you better. It may take some time and things might not change overnight, but it is worth it. You can do it, and I certainly know this! :)
I hope I was able to help you out a bit!

Art Challenge
Interpret these topics for yourself and create a picture, scribble, photography and more – every day as long as you want to! This Art Challenge can be used for various creative media and hobbies!
You don’t have to post or show it online, it’s enough if you created it just for yourself. Have fun.
#01 – Super power
#02 – Flowers
#03 – Future
#04 – Villain
#05 – Friendship
#06 – Machine
#07 – Water
#08 – Circus
#09 – Mood
#10 – Dream
#11 – Poem
#12 – Myth
#13 – Fight
#14 – Game
#15 – Angel
#16 – Nature
#17 – Colors
#18 – Music
#19 – Ghost
#20 – Festival
#21 – Planet
#22 – Hero
#23 – Dance
#24 – Time
#25 – Wind
#26 – Monster
#27 – Sweets
#28 – Online
#29 – Secret
#30 – Talent