Dollfie Dream Friend Shop

Offizielle Händler von Volks

Ordering from one of the Dollfie Dream Friend stores can bring a number of advantages. Find out more now!

What exactly are Dollfie Dream Friend Shops?

Dollfie Dream Friend Shops are official dealers of Volks. These are listed on the Volks website, including the standard and a link to the website.

So you can quickly find out if there is a Dollfie Dream Friend Shop near you.


  • If you have a store near you, you can often save yourself long waiting times or the whole trip to the customs office.
  • At the stores you always have a direct contact person who will be happy to help you with information or orders.
  • Some even have a walk-in store!

However, the prices often differ from those directly at Volks. But why is that? Quite simply, the goods have to arrive at the DD Friend Shop first. Time, labor, shipping and customs costs are included in the price.

It’s also worth checking here for limited edition dolls. The unexpected often happens.

To the official Volks Dollfie Dream Friend Shop overview

Dollfie Dream Friens Shop – picture Copyrigth by VOLKS INC.


Here you can find more great links all about dolls

Buy Dollfie Dream

Here you will find a great guide to buying Dollfie Dream directly from Volks.


Find out more about where you can buy wigs to further customize your doll.

Eyes are known to be the mirror of the soul. And they are also an essential part of dolls. Find out everything you need to know here.

You can find great stores (+links) for clothing in this guide.

Why are the dolls so expensive?

Dollfie Dream dolls, like other BJD dolls, are a little more expensive. But why is that actually the case?

Here I have summarized a blog post in which I explain how the high price of the dolls comes about and what you should keep in mind.

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